Merrillville High School Science Department provides curricular and extra-curricular opportunities for students to develop the abilities to think creatively, and critically and to utilize the latest technologies to help them become self-sufficient, informed, and productive citizens.
The science department offers a curriculum that has the diversity to enable each student to select and study at an appropriate level of science instruction during their high school career.
The curriculum is designed to involve the student as an active participant in his science education. As a result of active student participation a student will develop a greater understanding of science. To involve the student, experimental laboratory work is the focal point for further theoretical development of scientific theories. The scientific method, which in short is the general logic employed whether tacitly or explicitly, for assessing the merits of an inquiry, is employed in all phases of student learning. Through the scientific method the endless memorization of detailed scientific facts is avoided and the unifying principles are emphasized.
A typical college prep student should take a minimum of four years of science. Students planning on majoring in science at the college level should take a minimum of five years of science. Courses for the technical or non college bound student are undergoing changes to fit the Tech-Prep curriculum. It is recommended that the technical or non college bound student take a minimum of three years of science.
Extracurricular activities available for students are the JETS club, Environmental club and the Science Olympiad. JETS club activities include the TEAMS testing competition and the State Rube Goldberg contest. The Science Olympiad team competes in the regional competition. Environmental club activities include a recycling program and are working to complete the outdoor nature study area