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Anthony Hofer
MHS Staff

The Social Studies Department attempts to help each student develop into the role of an active, involved, and informed citizen.  We lay a foundation that includes: the culture, geography, heritage, and institutions of our nation. 

Since the future develops out of the past and the present, it is imperative that each student be equipped with the tools of inquiry and the ability to apply these skills to a continuing examination of the society in which they live.

We emphasize the basic concepts and ideas of each of the disciplines within the social studies field:  Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.

The department currently offers as required courses:  United States Government, United States History 1, United States History 2, United States History 3 and either Economics or AP Economics .  Advanced Placement United States History may take the place of United States History 1, 2, and 3 in conjunction with Geography and History of the World.  Advanced Placement Government and Advanced Placement Economics are offered at the senior level. 

Elective Courses include:  Indiana History, Ethnic Studies, History of Wars, American Culture, Advanced Placement Psychology, Psychology, and Sociology.