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21st Century Scholars

Indiana's 21st Century Scholars Program offers income-eligible Hoosier students up to four years of paid tuition at an eligible Indiana college or university after they graduate from high school. In middle and high school, 21st Century Scholars are connected to programs and resources to help them plan, prepare, and pay for college. Once in college, Scholars receive support to complete their college degrees and connect to career opportunities.


Apply Online!  All applications to the 21st Century Scholars program must be submitted before June 30th of the eligible student’s 8th grade year.

Scholar Success Program 

Starting in the Fall of 2013, All 21st Century Scholars are now required to complete the Scholar Success Program.  The chart below shows all 12 requirements that Scholars must complete during high school to receive their 21st Century Scholarship.


In addition to completing these requirements, Scholars are required to perform academically. Scholars must graduate from high school with a Core 40 diploma and a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.


All 21st Century Scholars will have to set up a ScholarTrack account.  ScholarTrack will guide you through the Scholar Success Program. You’ll be able to manage your progress throughout high school and find many resources to help you complete the requirements.  Follow this link to create an account


Requirements to Activate your 21st Century Scholarship

ALL HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS in the 21st Century Scholar Program will need to complete the following: 

  • Complete ALL Scholar Success Program Activities
  • File a FAFSA by March 10th
  • Correct/update the FAFSA by May 15th  
  • Apply to an Eligible Indiana College during their senior year of high school
  • Enroll as a full-time student in college
  • Maintain Indiana Residency
  • Review state financial aid requirements and make sure you are continuing to complete the steps in order to keep your scholarship throughout college