Paying for college can be daunting. Students usually don't have money and have depended on their parents to get them through life so far. But now you're ready to go out on your own and you're going to have to learn about using money wisely. Maybe your parents can help with financing your college and maybe they can't.
Luckily, in this country, we have a lot of resources to help you. In addition to saving your own money or college savings plans, those include scholarships, grants, loans, state and federal subsidies and work study while in college. Learn where the money is in Indiana here.
Before you start calculating college costs, two things are very, very important.
1) The type of courses you take in school and the type of diploma you get when you graduate and 2) filing the FAFSA as early as possible.
FAFSA (Free application for federal student aid) is an absolute must for anyone needing money to go to college.
Click here to understand the FAFSA process and make it easier and smoother for you. Make sure you use the website: (not .org)
Calculating how much college is going to cost depends on what school you want to attend. Of course, you'll have to be accepted as a student at that school before you can actually go there but it sure is helpful to know in advance what that school will cost. You can estimate college costs in Indiana schools here.
Going to an Indiana school and living in Indiana has distinct advantages. You will only pay in-state tuition. If you go to a college in another state, you will have to pay out-of-state tuition and that is always higher. Colleges serve the people of the state in which they reside.
Academic Year: 2014-2015
Institution | Tuition | Room & Board | Total |
Ancilla College | $13,730 | No Room & Board | $13,730 |
Anderson University | $26,770 | $9,250 | $36,020 |
Ball State University | $9,344 | $8,460 | $17,804 |
Bethel College | $25,830 | $7,780 | $33,610 |
Butler University | $35,652 | $11,620 | $47,272 |
Calumet College of St. Joseph | $16,440 | No Room & Board | $16,440 |
DePauw University | $42,746 | $11,280 | $54,026 |
Earlham College | $42,870 | $8,600 | $51,470 |
Franklin College | $28,185 | $8,400 | $36,585 |
Goshen College | $29,700 | $9,700 | $39,400 |
Grace College | $22,450 | $8,168 | $30,618 |
Hanover College | $33,023 | $10,050 | $43,073 |
Holy Cross College | $26,200 | $9,494 | $35,694 |
Huntington University | $24,771 | $8,306 | $33,077 |
Indiana State University | $8,216 | $9,182 | $17,398 |
Indiana Tech | $24,860 | $9,380 | $34,240 |
Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne | $7,950 | $9,242 | $17,192 |
Indiana University Bloomington | $10,388 | $9,494 | $19,882 |
Indiana University East | $6,787 | No Room & Board | $6,787 |
Indiana University Kokomo | $6,810 | No Room & Board | $6,810 |
Indiana University Northwest | $6,853 | No Room & Board | $6,853 |
Indiana University South Bend | $6,905 | $8,596 | $15,501 |
Indiana University Southeast | $6,827 | $9,208 | $16,035 |
Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus | $8,756 | No Room & Board | $8,756 |
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis | $8,908 | $8,702 | $17,610 |
Indiana Wesleyan University | $23,628 | $7,560 | $31,188 |
Ivy Tech Community College | $3,859 | No Room & Board | $3,859 |
Manchester University | $29,040 | $9,300 | $38,340 |
Marian University | $29,400 | $9,140 | $38,540 |
Martin University | $14,870 | No Room & Board | $14,870 |
Oakland City University | $19,800 | $8,700 | $28,500 |
Purdue University | $10,002 | $10,300 | $20,302 |
Purdue University Calumet | $6,530 | $7,717 | $14,247 |
Purdue University North Central | $7,352 | No Room & Board | $7,352 |
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology | $40,449 | $12,057 | $52,506 |
Saint Joseph's College | $27,700 | $8,610 | $36,310 |
Saint Mary's College | $35,970 | $10,930 | $46,900 |
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | $28,226 | $10,250 | $38,476 |
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Online Program | $496 | No Room & Board | $496 |
Taylor University | $29,538 | $8,283 | $37,821 |
Trine University | $29,300 | $9,800 | $39,100 |
University of Evansville | $32,776 | $10,880 | $43,656 |
University of Indianapolis | $25,154 | $9,010 | $34,164 |
University of Notre Dame | $46,237 | $13,224 | $59,461 |
University of Saint Francis | $25,930 | $8,524 | $34,454 |
University of Southern Indiana | $6,636 | $7,928 | $14,564 |
Valparaiso University | $34,760 | $10,180 | $44,940 |
Vincennes University | $5,174 plus Program Fees |
$8,732 | $13,906 plus Program Fees |
Wabash College | $37,750 | $8,730 | $46,480 |
Western Governors University | $6,070 | No Room & Board | $6,070 |
College & Scholarship Resource
- links to 70 online scholarship search sites...virtually every such site that exists.
- an online GPA calculator that will accurately calculate up to 50 grades instantly.
- links to colleges with comprehensive programs for students with learning and other disabilities.
- links to Catholic and Christian colleges by state.
- Information on online colleges, community colleges, and four-year colleges by state.
In addition, the site offers a complete list of historically black colleges and universities,lists of career colleges by state, information on colleges for women, online applications for four-year colleges and universities, specific and general career information, financial aid definitions and instructions, and dozens of articles designed to assist both traditional and adult students.
Lake County's Community Foundation Scholarships: Click here for more information