Department: |
Earth Science 1 A
Instructor: | J. Sabinas |
Course Expectations, Goals & Routines |
-Everyday, each student is expected to...
- Arrive to class each day and to be on time.
- Bring two items to class EVERYDAY... Their Book, and something to write with.
-4 rules
1. All students should listen to instructions the first time they are given.
2. Follow the Handbook guidelines
3. Be respectful
4. Be Prepared
Daily Routines
Each week, students will be expected to participate in a variety of activities such as...
-Adding entries and maintaining their interactive notebook.
-Working AND PARTICIPATING in group labs and group activities.
-Completing quizzes and in-class assignments.
-Solving problems using graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, written expression, and math concepts.
-Using the scientific method to make hypotheses, develope experiments, and to solve problems by creating their own unique solutions.
Goals and assessments
Each trimester, the following assessments will be used to determine a letter grade of achievement.
-All quizzes, will make up 25% of the class grade.
-Lab activities, lab reports, special projects, and all other in-class assignments will be averaged together. This will make up 20% of the final letter grade.
-There will be four tests for each trimester. This will be worth 40% of the final letter grade.
-There will be four "notebook checks" each trimester. These will be conducted a day or two before or after a chapter test which is about every two-three weeks. This will make up the remanding 15% of the final letter grade. Each notebook check will be checked using a rubric looking for....
-Five to six notebook entries that were given during class time.
-Four "homework entries." Posted in the classroom, there will be a list of pages and questions for each student to answer. These assignments need to be included in their notebook. The due date for the notebook will be posted about two weeks in advance so students will have the option to do the homework as soon as possible, little by little, or wait till the last minute and do it the night before. This portion of the notebook is meant to help students understand deadlines, manage their time, and to hone in organization skills. Also, it is the students responsibility to obtain missing notes, and homework in the event of an absence. Because the due date will be posted well in advance, there should be no excuses or surprises to when the notebook is to be checked.
-On some occasions, additional vocabulary may be a part of the notebook assessment too.
After each test and notebook check, each student's current grade will be posted in the classroom, according to their ID number, to allow for each student to view his/her progress.
Course Description
EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE I (L) Earth and Space Science I is a course focusing on the study of the earth’s layers, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and the structure and scale of the Universe. Students analyze and describe Earth’s interconnected systems and examine how Earth’s materials, landforms, and continents are modified across geological time. Through laboratory and field investigations, students understand the history and development of the Earth and space sciences, explore the uses of Earth and space science in various careers, and investigate Earth and space science problems concerning personal needs and community issues related to science.
Week |
Used in
Instructional Content |
Activities, Readings,
Labs, Interactive Notes, Assignments, etc. |
Assessments | Other |
1.5 | Using Scientific Method, Using Graphic Organizers, |
"Class Procedure" notes |
Scientific method quiz Graphing quiz Density/ Measurement Quiz
2 |
Density and Measurement Properties of Matter |
"Density and measurement" notes Density Murder Mystery Activity "Properties of Matter" Notes
Density/ Measurement Quiz NOTEBOOK CHECK!! (Pg 8 Section review)
(Pg 16 Section review)
(Pg 22 Using key terms)
(Pg 22 Short Answers)
PLUS.. Five sets of class notes
1st Chapter Test... Over SCIENCE REVIEW material
3 |
1.22 1.23 |
Begin Mineral study |
"Mineral Test"
Mineral ID lab |
Quiz over drawing atoms Mineral Identification assignment
Mineral ID quiz
4 |
1.25 1.28 1.29
Chemical Formulas, rock forming, fossils, and geologic time |
"Drawing Atomic Structures" notes "Rock Formation" Notes and lab
5 | Fossils, and geologic time |
"Fossil and Geologic Time" Notes / activity |
Quiz over drawing atoms and Mineral Formulas quiz
6 |
1.25 1.27 1.28
Geological processes continued |
Review Game for test Planetarium Visit |
(Pg 92 1-8)
(Pg 116 1-10)
(pg 138 1-9)
(Pg 206 1-9)
7 |
1.17 1.26 1.25
Geological processes continued... plate tectonics, mountian building, and sea floor spreading Begin U.S Landforms and Topographic Maps |
"US Landforms" Notes "Using Topographic Maps" Notes |
Volcano map lab activity Topo map quiz |
8 |
1.24 1.26 |
Plate Tectonics and Mountain landforms Longitude and Latitude |
"Plate Tectonic" Notes Topo lab activity number two. Create a map of a hidden landscape "Longitude and Latitude" Notes
Intro to plate tectonic video quiz Topo lab activity number 2 quiz. |
9 |
1.17 1.24 1.25
Continue landform and topography |
The "Amazing Map Race" lab activity The classroom map activity |
NOTEBOOK CHECK Pg 60 (1-8) Pg 66 (1-10)
Pg 72 (1-11)
Pg 274 (1-9)
CHAPTER TEST Over topo maps, landforms, and plate tectonics
10 |
1.20 1.21 1.25
Begin Fresh Water Study |
"Earth's Fresh Water and Weathering and Erosion" notes "Create a hydraulic machine" lab activity "Groundwater and Karst landform" notes
Hydro Graph quiz | |
11 |
1.25 1.20 1.17
Begin surface water features |
"Surface Water" notes with "Survivor Game" Activity Computer activity using satellite images and fresh water resources
Quiz over surface water and groundwater notes Computer activity using satellite images and fresh water resources |
12 |
1.18 1.20 1.17
Continue with fresh water and begin "flooding in urbanized areas" project |
Determine the "Mystery Hydrologist" lab activity "Urbanization and Run-off" notes "Egg Drop" review game for final
Chapter Test over Freshwater NOTEBOOK CHECK
Pg 378 (1-10)
Pg 410 (1-9)
Pg 438 (1-11)
Pg 458 (1-11)
Tri-mester FINAL