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Scope & Sequence: Biology I B

Merrillville High School
Course Scope & Sequence
Biology I B
Instructor: J. Mondragon

Course Expectations, Goals & Routines

Dear Students & Family Members

Welcome to Biology 1B!

Students are expected to come to class ready to learn. In order for students to be ready to learn they will need a biology notebook and a pen or pencil.    
Our goal for Biology B is to help students understand their biological uniqueness! 
Course Description

BIOLOGY I (L)                                                                                            

Biology I is a course based on laboratory investigations that include a study of the structures and functions of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. At a minimum, students enrolled in Biology I explore the structure and function of cells, cellular processes, and the interdependencies of organisms within populations, communities, ecosystems, and the biosphere.  Students work with concepts, principles, and theories of the living environment.  In addition, students enrolled in this course are expected to: (1) gain an understanding of the history and development of biological knowledge, (2) explore the uses of biology in various careers, and (3) investigate biological questions and problems related to personal needs and societal issues.

  • Recommended Grade Level:  9 – 10
  • Credits: 2 trimester course for 2 credits
  • Fulfills the Biology requirement for the General (Class of 2010 and subsequent classes), Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas
  • A Career Academic Sequence or Flex Credit course
Instructional Content
Activities, Readings, Labs, Interactive Notes, Assignments, etc.
 B.3.4, B.3.5, B.4.1, B.4.4
Introduction to Ecology
Levels of Organization
Making Connections activity - biotic & abiotic factors 
Food Chains & Food Webs 
Whiteboard: What do Ecologists Study?
3.1 assessment 
Exit Ticket 
 B.3.4, B.3.5
Ecology of Ecosystems
Ecological Pyramids virtual lab
Pyramid of Numbers/Energy
Owl Pellet lab
Water cycle activity 
Whiteboarding & Literacty activity 
Ecology test 
Nature of Science #3, B.4.3
Ecological Data Interpretation
Create table & graph, analyze data
Invasive Species Research 
Ecology Table - Test retake for mastery
Internet research/write report 
Mitosis & Cancer
Cell Size Comparison (pre-Mitosis)
Mitosis Lab 
Cancer & the Cell Cycle 
Generate data, create pie chart 
Internet activity - answer questions 
 Measure, calculate, interpret data
Amoeba Sisters Mitosis video clip
B.6.2, B.6.3 
Mitosis & Cancer
Stem Cells & Differentiation 
Cancer & the Cell Cycle
The Cancer Fighter 
The Story of Stem Cells 
The Stem Cell Debate 
Cell Differentiation game 
Literacy activity - answer questions 
Complete opinion form 
Unit test
Nova video clip 
University of Utah/genetics website 
 B.6.4, B.6.5
Meiosis simulation activity
Analyzing Data (page 327) 
Meiosis quiz 
Heredity - Mendelian Genetics
Heredity Problem Solving 
Trait Survey
Probability Lab
Punnett Squares 
Genetics word problems
Dihybrid cross lab 
11.1, 11.2, 11.3 assessment
SpongeBob Genetics  
Genetics quiz 
8 B.5.1, B.5.3, B.5.4 Molecular genetics - DNA structure
DNA modeling activity
Sex-linked traits 
Karyotyping (2)
Pedigree charts 
Replication drawing 
Colorblindness quick lab
DNA structure quiz 
 Station work
9  B.5.2, B.5.3 Molecular genetics - RNA & translation     Transcription activities     13.1, 13.2 assessment  
10  B.5.3, B.5.4 Molecular genetics - RNA & translation  Decoding messages activity    Translation quiz  
11   B.5.5, B.7.4, B.7.5 Protein synthesis, enzymes, mutations
Create a Protein
Demo: Affect of enzymes on gelatin (protein) 
Mutation activity 
Protein quiz (13.2 assessment) 
Modeling with pipe cleaners & beads  
B.8.1, B.8.7
B.8.1, B.8.7, B.8.6 
Evolution - Early Hypotheses and Darwin
Evolution - Natural & Artificial Selection 
Variability of inherited traits lab, population growth curve graphing activity
Natural selection virtual lab 
16.1 assessment
16.2 assessment